Thursday, March 3, 2011


'Indigo children' is one of many interesting phenomena and nowadays, many people around the world talk about it. So what is indigo children, actually? what makes them different than any other children? If you are curious enough to know more about these children, you've found the right site!

According to Lee Carroll and Jan Tober, writers of "THE NEW KIDS HAVE ARRIVED";

"The Indigo Child is a boy or girl who displays a new and unusual set of psychological attributes, revealing a pattern of behavior generally undocumented before. This pattern has singularly unique factors that call for parents and teachers to change their treatment and upbringing of these kids to assist them in achieving balance and harmony in their lives, and to help them avoid frustration." 


Indigo children is a pseudoscientific label for children with unusual behavior and abilities compared to other children. The term "indigo" came from their aura color, which is dark blue or dark purple. The idea of indigo children was first developed by Nancy Ann Tappe in year 1970s. Nancy is a psychic with the ability of seeing auras, and she began to notice a new aura color of many children in the mid 60s. Lee Carroll and her husband, Jen Tober, began to develop the concept and idea about these indigo-auric children in their book called The Indigo Children; The New Kids Have Arrived.

                                                                  (resource is unknown)

These are some characteristics of indigo children in general, according to Lee Carroll and Jan Tober's book:

1.  They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it).
2.  They have a feeling of "deserving to be here," and are surprised when others don't share that.
3.  Self-worth is not a big issue.  They often tell the parents "who they are."
4.  They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).
5.  They simply will not do certain things; for example - waiting in line is difficult for them.
6.  They get frustrated with systems that are ritual-oriented and don't require creative thought.
7.  They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and at school, which makes them seem like "system busters" - (nonconforming to any system).
8.  They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind.  If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often let no other human understand them.  School is extremely difficult for them socially.
9.  They will not respond to "guilt" discipline - (Wait till you father gets home and finds out  what you did").
10. They are not shy in letting you know what they need.

and according to, there are 4 types of indigo chilren, which are:



The outgoing, opinionated indigos. They love to socialized and are very friendly. They have a great verbal skill which leads them to be a communicator or open their ability to work with humanity. Indigo Humanists usually loves to read, and they love to hang around with other people such as parties, communities, etc. These indigo humanists are the lawyers, doctors, and teachers of tomorrow.



The introverted and task-oriented indigos. They will be the future's scientist, astronauts, and architects. They love to have many projects at once. Sometimes, they are being apathetic because they are more to their head than their heart. Conceptual indigos tend to have addictions because they are extremely sensitive to authorities. This would lead parents to be aware.



the sensitive and creative indigos. They will be a good poets, artists, musicians, and actors. They have the gift to work with arts, and they are the most sensitive indigos of all. They tend to try all artistic activities to find what they really good at, they will try many genres of arts. The site said that "Whatever their choice, they will become a master artist in that area."



the bullying but spiritually powerful indigos. They have the superior-like attitude that may seemed as bullying, yet they are great thinkers and they will own many useful ideas to the earth. They share a big interest at philosophies, religions, spirituality, and creative learning. Most of them reincarnated from another world out there which are still unseen to us humans.

Indigo children are as normal as other children you know, yet they have many differences than any other children; they are highly conscious in spirituality, and they have the ability to develop the power of peace and love towards the world. Our earth is now entering a New Millennium era, the era of being in the next stage of human evolution. They are here to make difference to the earth; trying to break the old systems and develop consciousness to the energy of love and peace, spirituality, and creativity. Indigos are old souls; they have reincarnated several times in the earth as they are getting wiser and experienced. Since they are mostly in to spirituality and creativity, most indigos are right-brain oriented.

You may notice that most indigo children are psychic or being very sensitive to their surroundings. Some of them could easily 'read' past lives, emotions, or the life of people around them. Some of them could even heal or communicate telepathically to other beings or to other 'conscious' people. They are born with these gifts, because the need them to accomplish their missions; bring humans to higher consciousness and developing the energy of love and light.  "Indigos have a warrior spirit, because their collective purpose is to mash down old systems that no longer serve us. They are here to quash government, educational, and legal systems that lack integrity. To accomplish this end, they need tempers and fiery determination." (


By being psychic and sensitive, their characteristics are different than any other children. They may seemed rebel and emotional; deeply emphatic or even apathetic. They hate following the old systems, for example, some school rules that seemed to be a nonsense for them, such as the disallowance of having long hair, short skirt, polished nails, etc. They are mostly care free to these old systems, and turned out to be rebellious. They dislike authorities, which is why guilt discipline doesn't work on them. They have their own point of view at everything, and this make them seemed to behave differently than anybody else. For example, they see stars as angels, just like what anonymous indigo in the book "Indigo Children" had mentioned:

"My guardian angel said that stars are angels too; they surround our earth to watch for us and share their energy of love."

  note: this is a photo of an angel appearance by a personal camera that was owned by the writer of this article

First thing that you recognize physically about indigo children is their eyes; wise and deep. Their eyes are beautifully different, as they stare and look deep into your soul. They also have the natural ability to sense dishonesty, according to This is threatening to some indigos, and "they are unable to conform to dysfunctional situations at home, work, or school." ( They cannot hide their feelings and pretend that everything's okay, unless if their are medicated. Thus, medication is not recommended, because it could broke their natural abilities and sensitiveness.



These are some simple tips of parenting indigo children from

1. Respect them. Indigos live strictly by the universal rule that you have to give respect in order to get respect.

2. Practice unconditional love for your child. Love them and show it, no matter what. Since many people sees them as a weird behaved children, they tend to feel lonely and misunderstood even if they own friends. In this case, they need your unconditional love and understanding.

3. Give Choices. They hate being told what to do. Asking them politely or giving them choices would work.

4. Give them freedom to develop and explore their life, but stay aware of what they're doing. You could share your feelings honestly if something they did bothered you.

5. Tell reasons and explain why. "Because I said so" is a nonsense reason for indigos since this explanations indicates authority. Prepare your explanations with honesty. By being honest, they will understand if you said "no".

6. Don't use fear, hate, or guilt as a controlling tool. This will lead them to anger and you will loose their respect and trust towards you.

7. Be fair. Indigos are here to bring the true justice, so when they see injustice they are compelled to fix it.



(resource is unknown)

 Akiane is an American poet and artist prodigy. She was born in an atheist family, and at the early age she told her family that she went to Heaven with God. Her family doesn't believe her until she painted her own vision on a canvas with a great artistic detail, and she said that God is the one who taught her how to paint. Akiane's family was surprised by this and began to learn Christianity. 


An indigo from Indonesia that could speak English, Korean, Arabian, and Dutch without any formal lessons. She has the ability to see the future, read minds, and heal. She even teaches meditations to adults and she often participates in many seminars. She published a book called "Don't Worry Everyone; Hope is On The Way (Messages from Nature)".

And here's a video about indigo children from BBC, and also a short trailer about a movie called "INDIGO".